
We have so many demands upon our time and energy, demands constantly competing with one another: work versus leisure; family versus solitude; fitness versus rest; service to the community versus attending to our own needs.

Without even realizing it, we become overly preoccupied with one facet of our lives to the exclusion of others. All too often, it is preoccupation with career advancement at the expense of family, friendships, fitness and appreciation of nature’s gifts. And increasingly, and quite unfortunately, the preoccupation is with our smartphones.

There is so much in life to experience and enjoy. Yet our days are numbered, and worse yet, we don’t know what that number is.

The Sabbath is Judaism’s gift to humanity, as it is a time for introspection and reflection, a time to re-balance ourselves. Even if you are not religious, everyone needs a timeout to honestly reflect on how to bring life into proper balance.

Moderate in order to taste the joys of life in abundance.
— Epicurus


  • Imagine for a moment you are told that your life is about to end.

  • What would you have wanted to do that you never did?

  • Does this suggest where your life may be out of balance?