
Of all the invisible forces discussed here, none is more powerful than love.
Loves comes in so many forms: romantic love, love of children, love of parents, love of animals, love of nature and so much more.

Love is a force that extends beyond the brain, filling up our entire bodies. And because it is such a pervasively powerful and pleasant sensation, it is a powerful motivator of our actions.

Among the lessons of love we as adults can provide our youth are love of learning and finding your passion.

We should all be students of lifelong learning, as we have something new to learn every day of our lives. We as parents and grandparents can help inculcate a love of learning in our children and grandchildren by setting the example with our own learning and by teaching and learning along with them in fun ways. This means active engagement through reading together, doing experiments, working on art projects and the like.

And the power of love means working with our youths to help them find their passions, so that they can develop their talents in particular areas that may become of great importance for the rest of their lives. More about that under letter M!

Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.
— Maya Angelou


  • What did you love to do as a child that is still a part of your life?

  • Do you still have a love of learning, and what learning are you now doing?
